Tonight on the Ricki lake show (net vir jou willem)
So as some of you know my friend Willem has been going though a rough time with his X-Girl friend. So I though I might share my story with him and anyone that likes the Ricki lake show
So as some of you know I had a girlfriend just before I came to London. Ou Zelda daar van boksburg. Anyway I only started going out with Zelda after I decided to come to London so I decided that it would be better to come to London rather than change my plans for beautiful girl after only going out 4 months.
Anyway so I’m in London and she is in Pretoria busy studying. For the first few months we continued sending emails and talking. Truthfully I really liked/loved this girl, she was really cool and I guess I only realized how much I liked her once I was in London. So anyway these emails when on for about 3 months and then they started getting few and far in-between.
So here comes the kicker. In her last email she tells me that she has found a flat and was moving into the flat with her friend. 2 or 3 weeks later my brother tells me that Zelda moved into the flat 2 houses next to his flat….(I don’t know about you but this seems like some important information that she neglected to inform me in her last email). Anyway back to my lovely brother… now anyone that knows me knows that me and my brother have never got along. I really can’t imagine how we could come from the same parents. So you might ask yourself how my brother got to know Zelda in the first place… well here comes another kicker. Zelda and Wynand met because I thought that it was time that I put effort into making my relationship with my brother BETER so I invited myself(and Zelda) to his place a few times for a braai (BBQ)… Guess it almost.
Anyway so after another 2 weeks in London not really sure what the F*** was going on at home (well I knew something was fishy because of the flat story) my brother sends me a msn message saying that he is French kissing my girlfriend. And my reply to that was “I KNOW” … that is all I said... can you believe it … im such a pansy …
Anyway my brother and this girl are still together.. I actually had the nightmare of visiting them (by this stage they were living together in the same flat) when I was back in SA this year … it was really not comfortable at all (plus during this visit my brother tried to inform me that the motorbikes that my grand father gave me no longer belongs to me … but this is a whole other story).
Anyway as you can imagine my brother and I don’t really talk anymore. Last I heard they are still together and he had bought a house and they still stay together.
So gabba dagga if you think that you are having a tough time just remember that “IT COULD BE WORSE”. I hope that my story cheered you up.
Anyway I’m over Zelda and my brother now. I guess I’m glad that my brother finally found someone. I’m just waiting for the call (well it will probably be a one line msn knowing my bother) saying that I’m going to be an Uncle.
But we will see how it goes because I have to see them this Christmas when I’m back in SA (wish me luck)
hey buddy, thanx vir die post en dat jy nou uiteindelik weer post, wanneer kom jy? dis naar van wynand, die bliksem...ek se nog altyd sy oe sit te ver uitmekaar uit. ai.
soos wat jy dink dis bad om haar saam met hom te sien, dink hul french kiss dink hy aan jou "fallie" wat in haar mond was en hoeveel kalorie hy nou optel met al die proteine. Nie dat ek enigsins weet wat sy al gedoen het nie, maar ek ken ok mense van boksburg.
groete en as ek bietjie kras was is ek jammer
my nr. 0721513059, stuur joune, ons vang vis die naweek as jy wil dude, laat weet my
Damn, ja nee ek sien Rolf trek aan die kortste ent die keer. Shit ou, dis nou 'n kak een en 'n half.
Ek is bly om te sien Eddy update...maar al wat Up-date by Rolf is in sy broek...
Ek wag in spanning vir die 'come-back'
Skroewie die Skouhond
Rolf, dude...fok...jy't bewys jy't 'n sosial jy mag nou maar weer een keer blog as jy wil...niemand sal se dat jy die naweek by die huis sit en blog nie...niemand sal jou 'n rekenaar boffin of geek noem nie...
(blog bietjie toe...dis vir my en jou bes wil...en lees my blog, want my leesers tal is nou al minder as die times slot is dit net nie reg nie
Dis 16:46, 24 Maart & ons almal sit hier op die pawwie & worsbroodjies koe & Kola's wegsluk...Dis nogal lekker...Daar kom hulle nou:
Die Dirigente - Die jaar se tema is oranje blanje blou,
Dan staan hulle almal langs mekaar,
Seun, meisie, seun, meisie...
Lig hulle koppe stadig op & begin met stadig dog bulderende stemme hulle kreet uiter.
Die dreuning word erger soos die hele pawiljoen begin saam wieg & & almal in hulle massas begin saam sing...
Die klimaks kom toe jy die ego naderhand kan optel & jy kry sommer 'n knop in jou keel & hoendervleis toe jy dit hoor...
In verwondering begin jy nog harder bulder maar die oomblik is klaar verby & stadig aan begin almal stiller raak...stiller...todat die laaste ego's begin wegsterf en jy net die heel laaste een kan hoor wegwaai deur die wind...uuuuppppdaaaateeeee....
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